Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

Teman Musiman

Pertama-tama aku mau ngucapin Selamat Idul Fitri 1434 H. Mohon maaf lahir & batin. Sebulan sudah aku menunaikan ibadah puasa. Sebulan juga aku ketemu 'teman musiman'ku di dua majelis kebanggaan PNF & Mantaqo. Ya.. aku join sejenis remaja masjid gitu. Tugasnya mbimbing anak-anak titipan dari orang tua mereka. Susah memang. Ribet memang. yah.. itung itung aku udah ikut menyemarakan Ramadhan di kampung.
Sudah jadi tradisi pengajianku ikut festival takbiran di Kotagede. Dan ajang inilah yang ditunggu-tunggu di setiap tahunnya. Tapi nggak hanya hari H lo yang seru. Persiapan buat hari H malah lebih seru. Bikin kostum, lampion kecil, lampion besar + musik bareng. Biasanya sampe sahur gitu. Dan ini dia hari-H nya.

 Tema tahun ini adalah android. Yang usul aku lo :3 Bangga juga jadi pencetus tema. Tapi ya, diimprove beberapa orang sih. Dan kerja kerasku dan kawan-kawan akhirnya terbayarkan dengan 1 piala. Alhamdulillah sekali kami mendapat Juara 3 kategori musik kreatif. =) Tahun depan harus lebih baik lagi kawan!

Selamat ketemu lagi ya, di Ramadhan tahun depan :)

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Snake Atack

It was actually 2 days ago. At the beginning, all did activities normally. But suddenly, my mom screamed. I a little bit shocked. I get out from my room and say "What Happening?" Sh*t, It was snake. A green tiny snake in the front of my house, exactly on my plant. I thought it was tree snake. So scary.
My papa took broom immediately and he came to the snake. He tried to kill the snake. All of my neighbor saw my papa's act. They look horible faces. It was funny haha.
Finally, the snake killed. All relieved. It was my first experience I met the snake. I'm so regretful that I didn't capture the moment.  
But anyway, I think snake is not pretty scary. No sensation at all. So, Of course I want to meet tiger in front of my house. All will get poker faces.

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013


I love art. All of kind of art. wanna look my drawings?

Judulnya "Balinese Culture" Ini ceritanya ada gadis bali lagi bawa sesajen. Tema dari guruku adalah Religi. Teknik pewarnaannya pake spidol. Aku lupa namanya ._.
Tugas yang satu ini disuruh gambar wajah teman sebangkunya. Kebetulan aku duduk bersebelahan sama Scholastika Asyana (Ana). So, seperti itulah wajahnya ^^

Tugasnya yang ini suruh mbuat kritik sosial tentang Global Warming. Aku beri judul 'Dying earth'. Ceritanya, 'tanganya' bumi lagi bawa jam. Dan jam tersebut menunjukan kalau umurnya tidak lama lagi. Kala jam tersebut bergerak, badan bumi akan semakin sakit. Begitulah ceritanya.

Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Bahagia itu sederhana

Helo. =) blogers tau nge-wiru jarik gak? Enggak? Ketika kita sedang mengenakan baju adat jawa kuno, jarik kita harus sudah diwiru. Aku nggak tau bahasa indonesianya 'wiru' itu apa, tapi wiru adalah lipatan buatan pada jarik. biasanya, untuk cowok itu di kiri dan 9x lipatan, cewek di kanan dan 4x lipatan (kalo gak salah). Aku kira nge-wiru itu susah, tapi kenyataannya emang susah. Butuh tenaga ekstra serta ketelatenan yang cukup. Dan berikut cara nge-wiru :
  1. Lipatlah ujung jarik seperti membuat kipas mainan dari kertas.
  2. Remaslah lipatannya dari kedua ujung ke dalam. Bertujuan agar lipatannya kuat dan tidak mudah lepas. 
  3. Ulangilah langkah 1 & 2 hingga 9/4 kali. 
kelihatannya simpel tapi ribetnya nge-wiru terkadang buat frustasi. jariku juga diibikin keriting pula. Berikut adalah hasil wiru-an pertama saya.

FAIL sih. maklum pertamax. Tapi seneng kok

Senin, 06 Mei 2013

damn.. Clannad

Ya. tadi malem aku udah selesai nonton Clannad After Story. Coba tebak apa yang ada di fikiranku. nangis? biasa aja? seneng? ataukah ngakak terbahak bahak? salah semua! Perasaan yang belum pernah aku kenali seumur hidup. Aku brambangi. Tau brambangi ? tidak? mbrebes mili mungkin kalian tau. Di saat itu juga, akupun tertawa. Perasaan itu tidak bisa dibilang senang ataupun menyedihkan. Awkward banget pokoknya! Perasaan yang aneh dan langkaa sekali. Aku bersyukur pernah merasakan perasaan itu. Tapi nggak asik deh, kalo kalian gak ngrasain. Tonton Clannad sekarang juga!  

Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

Glee Warblers Uniform

May I introduce to you visitors, it is Dalton uniform. Where I can find this uniform? I just wanna take one. The design was so simple and cool. The red line and the tie are make me crazy. agree ?. I love it so much. Even It was dalton, I wanna wear the coat in McKinley High School. Maybe I've been hit by slushee. Horible. But I just dreaming I wore this coat and singing w/ all of GLEE kids!! definitely fun! 

Rabu, 17 April 2013

Pokemon Platinum's Team

I'm a Pokemon Lovers. Sorry I don't mention it long long ago. I like them since I was child, approximately grade 1. They're so many and various. There are water type, grass type, fire type, etc. Also the form of every single pokemon is interesting. But Sinnoh's Pokemon is my favourite. I'll show you my team in Pokemon Platinum (Sinnoh)

1. Torterra (male, turtle). He has grass and ground types. Torterra is the final evolution of Turtwig. He's my starter pokemon.
2. Vaporoen (male, fish-legged). He's the leader. He has water type. He strong, fierce, and beautiful too. Veporeon is evolution from eevee. I used a stone called "Water Stone" to evolving him.
3. Gallade (male, like a human). He has fight and psychic types. He's the final evolution of ralt but the male one. People said that he's Gardevoir's boyfriend. She's the final evolution of ralt but the female one. She's my favourite too, but I prefer Gallade.
4.  Purugly (male, cat). now, I admit He was ugly and unique. He has normal type. He's powerful, and He has nimble movement. He's the evolution from Glameow. A tinny cat. How regret I let Glameow evolved into purugly. :'(
5. Vespequen (female, bee). She has bug and flying types. She has an awesome deffense. She's fierce and scary. I love her. She's the evolution from combee. Combee is a little bit rare. Only female combee that can evolve into Vespequen.
6. The last but not least, Pachirisu (female). I dont know what the form it is, but I think It's a cat too. My cutest and lovely pokemon. She has electric type. She doesn't evolving at all. She has nimble movement too.

It is Glameow

Sabtu, 13 April 2013

Most Interesting Girls

First of all, Ximena Navarette. She's Miss Universe 2010 from Mexico. My goddess! She's fashionable, sweet, gorgeous, charming, and calm. Look on her smile ! *melted* 
Second is Emma Stone. Did you watch the movie called "Easy A"? I love her act on that movie. Or you can find her in another movie like "The Amazing Spiderman". But actually I haven't watched Spiderman yet. She's fierce, liar, attractive, and funny. Most funny girl I think.

The final is Lea Michele. She's known as Rachel Berry on Glee. I'm falling in love with her voice =) It's very peaceful and perfect.  Have you heard She was singing "Faithfully"? That was pretty amazing. I think you must hear her too. Fortunately She was normal. Doesn't like another Glee member that abnormal (If you know what I mean) -_-

Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013


laprak means "Laporan Praktikum". a perfect goddamn report, when you must using pen. no typing at all. Stressed !

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Meet new friends

Not human. heavy. big. &  have more than 1 billion words. 
Say hi to my new friends, Dictionary -_-. 
you know, I have a dream. Someday, I really really want to speak english well. And I need to increase my english skill to reach that dream.

Why I use dictionary? Not alfalink, google translate, or else? 
If not, I gonna be hard to memorize some words. I dont know why it could happen -_-

I've try to watch some movies or anime with english sub, reading english article, Blogging, Playing the game, etc. And it totally work!
Thanks all for the motivation and ur advice =))

Old dictionary

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Dream House

My dream house located in another planet, my own planet called "Petit Planet". It's small with many huge trees look like a junggle. Also, there are many animals and no aliens. I love to play with some animal such like elephants, tigers, giraffe, rhinoceros, and another rare animals. Especially, there are a lot of koala within my house. And I say BIG NO to the monkeys. I hate them very much. Though my house is like a junggle, It doesn't primitive at all. I have many modern stuff like a tv, computer, etc. I'm collecting some books. So, I make a big underground library. In the backyard, there is a lake, filled by some mermaids. I think that's impossible, but I really really wanna live there. :3

That's my immaginative hause. Actually it just english task in the class.
 that pic is awful :DD