Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

5 bad things you don't know about me

Saatnya jujur-jujuran :) Alhamdulillah umurku sudah 17 tahun. Tapi aku merasa, semakin tua diriku terkadang malah menimbulkan sifat-sifat buruk baru. Those are bad things you maybe don't know about me 

1. Pelupa
ini habitku yang lumayan parah. Paling sering aku kehilangan barang-barang padahal ya cuma lupa kapan, di mana terahir kali  aku pake tuh benda. Dan, kalau aku dikatain kek gitu, mesti aku langsung bela diri nyalahin orang lain dan sok-sokan inget terahir kali aku pake tuh barang. hehe
Sifat jelekku ini ngaruh ke mimpiku jadi polyglot. Susah banget belajar vocabulary -__- 

2. Tidak konsisten.
Aku gampang kepengaruh sama lingkungan atau bisa dibilang sensitif akan perubahan. 1 kasus yang sering terjadi, kalau aku dihadepin sama 2 pilihan, milihnya pasti lama banget. Dan kalaupun akhirnya udah milih/atau udah pro, kadang-kadang malah bingung lagi gara-gara orang2 sekitar berpendapat GINI dan aku pikir kek gitu bener juga._. Suka galau untuk memilih.

3. Kurang terbuka
Aku nggak pernah terbuka banyak sama orang lain. Bahkan sama ibuku sendiri aja enggak. Banyak dari dalam diriku yang aku keep sendiri dan aku janji bakal bisa nyelesaiin masalah itu sendiri. Tapi kadang juga nggak yakin. Manusia tetap butuh manusia lain. susah bagiku untuk terbuka. Mungkin hanya butuh waktu. 

4. Suka takut
Aku kira semua orang punya ketakutan masing-masing. Entah itu physically atau mentally. Aku punya dua-duanya. Tapi parah yang mental.

4,1. FYI, aku (dulu) takut hantu, kuburan,dan hal-hal yang berbau ghoib. Fyi again, aku pernah nangis, ditakut-takutin temenku soal misteri meninggalnya gaby sama lagunya "Tinggal Kenangan". Katanya aku bakal digentayangin malem itu soalnya gara-gara aku............ apa ya? lupa ding hehe. Pokoknya dulu aku percaya aja. Konyol banget emang. Tapi semenjak seseorang ngomong ke aku kalau "mereka itu sebenernya takut sama manusia". "Toh mata batinmu gak kebuka". "Mereka itu cuma iseng". Gak tahu kenapa kata2 aku jadiin motivasi njut wis. Aku dah nggak gitu takut setan, cuma kadang2 takut di tpt yang katanya bner2 angker.

4,2. Takut gagal. Aku udah banyak baca teori-teori yang nyangkut tentang kegagalan. Ada yang bilang "kegagalan adalah sebuah kesuksesan yang tertunda" , "kegagalan ya gagal" , "kegagalan itu proses belajar" , dll. Apalagi aku mau ngambil jurusan. Aku masih pilih-pilih. Walaupun ada beberapa bidang yang aku udah sreg, tapi masih takut entah itu gagal, peluang kerja minim, ternyata nggak cocok,dll.   

4,3. Takut haters. Dalam lingkungan sosialku aku berusaha se-nice mungkin agar nggak ada satu pun orang yang nggak suka denganku. Kadang-kadang aku malah ingin jadi lucu. Orang lucu kan like-able. tapi nggak tahu aku malah takut jayus. Dari dulu ya, aku mengandalkan tingkah(natural)ku yang kadang-kadang bikin orang ketawa. Seneng gak to, bikin orang ketawa :)

5. "Pinginan"
Aku nggak berasal dari keluarga yang kaya raya. Bisa beli ina ini inu. Aku harus sabar buat nunggu beberapa tahun ke depan kalau udah sukses. amin. :)  

Jumat, 16 Mei 2014


May, 16th 2014 Patricia is dead.... :(
 RIP my Patricia :''''((((

Selasa, 06 Mei 2014


Of course I have a dream. It's not a dream-job in the future, but those are dreams (that) I really want to do just for happiness.

  1. Releasing a book
    Just few weeks ago, I wrote a Short Story for a writing contest. Even though I was chased by the deadline which made me so dizzy, I really enjoy it. I also satisfied of my creation. But! For your information, I lost. :(
    So I just wanna explore more and more what really my talent is. I wanna releasing a novel. It's not even my dream job to be an author. But I hope that is my part-time job.
  2. Travel around the world.
    ummm.. Don't you think my hobby is traveling. No. I just want to visit beautiful-beautiful "heaven" in this world. I love to learn new culture. And Those books are my inspiration.
    an Adventure of a backpacker exploring some "insecure country" (people usually said that)
    This book tell us about muslims (minority) who struggle in Europe.
    And this is some places I have pinned on my mind.
    Most people think that the first place people must visit in Paris is Eiffel tower. But not for me. Louvre is my first destination.
    I love animals. I wanna go to some savanas in Africa.
  3. Polyglot
    Not so far, from my second dream. Being a polyglot is such a cool. Hope I can really travel the world and learn their language fluently. Btw I currently study english (not too fluent) and French (beginner) @School. And the other languages I want to learn also is Spanish, Russian, Arabic, and Thai. Hope I can make a video me speaking a lot of languages soon.  
  4. Artist
    I love art. Art all the way. I wanna be piano player, I wanna sell paintings, and be a sketcher.
  5. Hafiz Quran
    I don't know, I just wanna be a religious person.

Rabu, 30 April 2014

HUT Kartini

Hanya mau share foto-foto perayaan hari kartini. 

Ini gue unyu sekalee

#FishEye #Selfie #Trio


Rabu, 16 April 2014

Impressionnant Mars #5 (édition France)

Village famille qui s'est tenue dans le village de pentingsari. Il dure pendant 3 jours. du 28 Mars au 30 mars. Première fois que j'ai entendu à propos de Village famille, je pensais comme "Jika aku menjadi" reality show. J'imagine J'aide mes nouveaux parents, aller à la ferme, en marchant sur ​​le sentier piéton, et des trucs. Je suis tellement excitée!
Vendredi après-midi, nous sommes prêts à aller. Je suis debout et très chaud à l'intérieur du bus. Bien que, il fait si chaud, nous ayant toujours amusant! Nous avons pris une photo et selfie et lac. Je ne sais pas exactement combien nous avons passé du temps sur ce Voyage, mais il se sent pas si longtemps. 
Quand nous sommes arrivés, nous avons accueilli par la danse traditionnelle appelée danse "Punakawan". Il est assez divertir. La cérémonie d'ouverture dure en douceur. Mais il était trop formel, et un peu ennuyeux. Donc, une fois que j'ai fait un art de sable pour me divertir. Après la cérémonie d'ouverture, nous avons été présentés par nos nouveaux parents. Monoparentale fait. Le nom de la mère est Mme Supratman. Et toute ma pensée est fausse. Pas de maison traditionnelle, pas de bougie, de la brique et de la lampe à la place. Il est de regarder si moderne! Ma vie est belle. Je ne vais pas vous sentir triste ici. Bien que, ce n'est pas mon attente.
Premier programme est suivi le long du fleuve Kuning. Bien que la tempête fait rage et la pluie tomber, nous ayant toujours amusant! Nous prenons quelques photos sur le fleuve. Nous n'avons pas le droit de s'y attarder si nous continuons suivi. Ensuite, placez est Dewi Peri fontaine. Il ya un mythe ici. Mais je ne sais pas encore ce que le mythe est. Ensuite, nous rentrons à la maison. Nous mangeons à la maison.
Le soir, après le dîner, nous allons rassembler dans le joglo d'entendre des discours de la comitte. Le discours est de la tradition du village pentingsari. Donc sommeil! J'espère que ce n'est pas s'attarder.Nous soutenons la maison avec le visage endormi :| Dans la maison, je n'ai pas sommeil du tout. Je suis donc l'étude, la préparation pour le test à mi-parcours. Je dors a 1 après minuit.
2ème jour. Je encore endormi. Nous nous levons à 5 a.m. Nous tard pour aider la mère de préparer la nourriture. Nous avons donc décidé de nettoyer la cour. Je pense que nous sommes assez utile. as a reward, our mother give us a durian.:3 
Premier programme de ce jour est de se rapprocher avec le village pentingsari. Nous (delayota 2015) divisé par 5 groupes. Nous visitons 5 endroits différents dans le matériel. La première place est le lieu où l'on étudie la musique traditionnelle, le gamelan.Vient ensuite lieu où nous étudions comment faire une marionnette de graminées. la troisième place est studio de danse traditionnelle.Suivant, la station culinar. Nous avons appris comment faire du manioc frit dans 2 goût: épicé-sucré et aigre. Et enfin, les plantations de café. Ensuite, nous avons une pause pour manger et prier. Nous continuons le voyage. Nous (delayota 2015) encore divisé par 5 groupes. Mais cette fois, nous avons compagnon différent. Nous allons d'abord à la plantation de salak et donc à la élevage de Etawa.Et puis le moment que j'ai en attente pendant une longue période. L'agriculture! Nous allons à la ferme, et n'aimons les activités des agriculteurs. Et la meilleure partie est nous labourer le champ avec la vache. Notre corps est plein de boue. Nous rentrons à la maison et bientôt prendre un bain. Quelle journée fatigante! Dans la nuit, un comité a organisé une soirée de spontanéité. Et étonnamment, ils font une blague à nos amis qui ont anniversaire. Ils en colère et les a accusés. Et la meilleure partie du village de séjour est nous montre un court-métrage sur ce que nous avons fait en 2 derniers jours, faite par nos amis se. Beaucoup d'humour, polisson, et très créatif. Merci delayota sinematografi.
Dernier jour, nous ne sortant dans le camping. Le sortant dure de 8h à midi. plein d'amusement. Nous à la maison, et l'emballage. We take a picture with our temporary mother before farewell moment. Nous sommes tellement heureux.

Awesome March #4




W/ Oza


Senin, 14 April 2014

Awesome March #3

This is the final part of Delayota Art #8 series. I joined theatre club in my high scool so I took part of this show. But I'm not in acting, I'm in fragment music. I played gamelan.
The story is about 'BANJIR' made by our extracurricular advisor. It's not someone's name, but it's real 'Banjir' (Flood). Kinda tragedy story. In the village, There was a lady named Nyai Patirasa. She was wealthy. She gave work for two young unemployment guys to do illegal logging, so she built a wood warehouse on the bank. Illegal logging made landslide everywhere. Then disaster came. Flood devastated everything.        
Every Sunday, We had a routine exercise. But once it crushed with other schedule like jobdesc in another Lustrum events and other school's competition. I just still can't believe how I can manage 3 events in the same time. I must sacrifice one of them. Then, I decided to leave other school's event. forced to do that. 
I served as a security business in this organization (branch of Lustrum). Not hard. But sometimes I helped setting. It was compulsory actually. It doesn't like the show last year that used a lot of cork, This year used a lot of bamboo. The setting include bridge, bank, house, and big trees.
First Rehearsal. it last smoothly. Clear. a bit correction. succeed. But the second Rehearsal, We kinda dropped. The comedy part were not funny, Sad scene were not touching, and the ending were not amazing. Of course we were afraid. But It's a tradition. The first Rehearsal is always better than the second one. and according to the history, The show is always amazing. During evaluation, We got an information that The seat were full-booked. I didn't know I had to be happy or worry. After that, I decided to help making setting and stay over night. But, It was a discourse. I had fun with my friends. We read some funny tweets and had funny conversation. It was very amusing. Remove all depress and anxiety. I took very comfort position in chair then slept. zzzzzz ....... 
I woke up on 4 a.m. and soon went to school. I remember it was last day of DelArt #8. I was asked to ask a school's permission. Still. 30 person ._. My name on the list, so I can left the class. But not all of the show players allowed to leave school. It was a new policy. "Students that not include on the list are not allowed leave the class" merciless. when I arrived, the auditorium was so damn quiet--- Lack of people. Even our director said "Is there a show tonight?" horrible to hear that. I dropped again.
After school, players came one by one. Where've you been, guys?
And Oh no makeup time!! dodge. dodge. dodge !! I avoid makeup. 
An hour before the show. Cold! Nervous! Afraid ._. I only could pray and gave all to god. Opening orchestra was over. *fragment hands-in*. We entered the room. Gosh! too many audience. Not so long, the curtain was opened. Hell to the yes. The show was incredible! Even I fault many times and unwanted incident happened, still, Pecaaahhhh ! The soundtrack always remind me the whole story of "banjir" and set it to my playlist.
Such an honor to be part of this event. "Bukanya kami tidak mengikuti era, tapi kami mempertahankan budaya" (Not that we do not follow era, but we maintain culture) always be our slogan. And the most regret of my life is : I didn't took a picture even once :(
After the show
In the newspaper

Minggu, 13 April 2014

Awesome March #2

Still, can you see the coolest seed ever on that picture? But hey ! ever you imagine how hard my male friend and I took it from mountain ? Hot and no water provide. We (two energy) took 700 seed alone! I can die cause of dehydration. other side, We supposed to take a thousand seed. 

Awesome March #1.5 :)

Long before march I actually umm.. MAKE MY FIRST OWN PAINTING ~
And it was shown off in Delayota Art Exhibition. Super-excited to do that but I lost my passion occasionally.
That's me and my first awful painting.

First, I just wanna draw a goddess, topless lady, and stuff. But you know the theme of the exhibition is "Regrowing Earth" So I tried to match with that and Voila! I named the lady --> Mother Earth :)) And that lady gives energy of greenness to all creature in the world even there's a long long drought desert.
And I just want you ti know that it made by wall paint. shock huh?  

Awesome March #1

It's kinda late but, March is really great more than I expected :) 
I'm so proud for being part of Delayota Art #8. Even my duty as public relation is too complicated to do. I had a little short story, 
One day (D-2) I had my job to ask permission leaving class for preparing Exhibition. Start with our adviser. It's clear, fine, smooth, no problem. Next, vice-principal public relation affair. unfortunately she's with curriculum affair. God, kill me. She spoke much. "Cut it !" She ask me to cut the list of student from dozens to 30. sucks.! Thus, when she spoke, another teacher just starting fussy. Even There's a teacher thought me the leader instead. But once I listened her,"Your parents entrust us to take care of y'all . If we often let you left class, then your parents know that, They may protest to us and think that we can not guide and manage y'all properly" I thought She might be right, but There're many jobs that we'd to finish off! I told it to our leader. Then the rebellion occurred.We were getting badass "bolos masall........" While I assuring that decision to him, He said so steady "tomorrow is not 30 but 300" I was chuckled for a while and worried about school. We forced to do it because school doesn't gave us change (actually they gave us but it's less) to prepare exhibition. And see what happened, School is really silent that day. 
(Another day, it's sad story) I forgot when and what cause of it happened. I almost cried in the principal's room. I felt I was yelled by the worst word in the universe. I was slapped so hard, even he didn't touch me. and "How dare you .... !" with harsh face. Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry. I couldn't stand any longer I thought my eyes were getting red, I get out his room soon after apologizing. I texted my female friend (partner actually) "where're u?". I was so upset and looked for her, I need talk to her. Then I found her in religious room. Teacher excused me. then I cried in front of her. and one I thought was "why school difficult us?". Not so long, She embraced me, motivated me, even flattered me. And I always the person who easily influenced. I got my spirit back. :)))) Thanks to you if you read this. First time for me.

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014


I will tell you the outline of what I did in November, December, January, and February.
November, free
December, focus to the exam
Hakarya Night
January, the series of #LustrumVIII began with Hakarya Night. such as "Tirakatan" in the village. The event ran smoothly, and terminated with bonfire that formed a number of '40' accompanied with hymn of SMA N 8 Yk . After that, there is a flag ceremony in the morning. It celebrate our school 40th birthday. And the releasing of the balloons is a sign that Pakci (bird in sansekerta) will always fly high and always creating creative work. But before that happen, some students wrote their wish on the balloons, and be a balloon of hope.
balloons's releasing
Still in January, on 11 date there was a reunion. I'm not there but all of my friends said (on twitter) that Reunion ran successfully. It made me happy. A day after that, there was a blood donor, free healing, and tooth check. I'm 17 y.o so I decided to donor my blood but my weight preclude me. I did not required. I supposed at least had 50 kilograms weight. I'm disappointed. on 25 and 26 date there was Kompetisi Anak Bangsa (KAB) and I served as an LO.
February, NO SUNDAYS WITHOUT EVENTS  Date 2 = Eight Choir Contest and Muslim Children Festival
 Date 9 = Opening of PLATINUM #40 (Pakci Link Competition in Numeral 40 Celebrations) Basketball, Cheers, and Dance. It last for a week.
Date 16 = Closing ceremony. But We had a trouble cause of Kelud's explosion. Ashes everywhere. Still in my memories. Unexpected ending.

Coming up : Awesome March

Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Art Camp

This event Beginning with Art camp. It held in November 2013. last for 2 days and one night. few days before d-day, My job is asking for a sign for many letter my secretary gave to me.  I felt dizzy every I met vice-headmaster. They always protest and protest. "Change the letters! You supposed to ask Mrs. Win not Mr. Joko!" "Change the letters! The word is not good "and I just enter right ear and out left ear, I don't care. Till it changed for hundred times. Seriously, Annoying. Another duties, I supposed to send the invitation's letters to many people. Sounds easy but sometimes I got a wrong address. once I got correct address, but I gave a wrong invitation's letter. lol. In d-day, I got a different job. I was accompanied many guest, be an usher, gave an honors, and many things. I was happy those days. Gathered with partners, laughing together, Really fun ! 
And a moment that I never forget is I beg to Amel (The Coordinator of EO) to let me sleep at home. But she didn't let me go. I never gave up. I persuade her again and again untill She were annoyed. And I did it !! I left school at approximately 11 PM. And see what I did at home. I did not sleeping. But I watched Miss Universe 2013!! Seriously, I waited this for a long time, to see Indonesia's representative, Whulandary. And She got it ! She was one of the top 16! Indonesia had to wait for 8 years to get that predicate again. 
Second day was presentation day. Every branch extracurricular must present what they've got before. And what they present would be shown in the Exhibition.
Ok.. This is my experience in Art Camp :))   
Sorry, no pict ._.

Precious, Sweet, Unforgetable

GREEN GREEN GREEN! Look at the supercute mascot!!
Delayota Art #8 a.k.a DelArt8 is an Art Exhibition in Jogjakarta. It had just finished less than 24 hour ago
We (DelArt 'Family') were formed few months ago.. and I served as a Public Relation. :D
Okey, let me tell you the series of Delayota Art#8 in the next post.